Room Bookings

The library boardroom and auditorium are available to rent on a per hour basis.

Auditorium $40 (+HST) per hour
Board Room $25 (+HST) per hour
Mezzanine Room $25 (+ HST) per hour
There is no fee for not-for-profit organizations to use this space. 
Self serve online booking portal:
NOTE: The NBPL does not provide tech support for room bookings.


The North Bay Public Library offers a proctoring service for those looking to take exams for distance education or professional certifications.  The following are the guidelines for the proctoring service:
Any member of the public may request the proctoring of an exam by the North Bay Public Library.
A minimum of one week advance notice is required before the examination writing date.
All exam writing conditions must be received from the issuing educational or professional institution and be assessed for suitability by the library before exams are taken.  The library will not proctor an exam if these conditions are not met.
The library will charge a fee of $20 per exam from the individual to be paid at the time of registration, at least one week in advance (or bill the institution if that is applicable).
Cancellation of an exam with less than 24 hours notice will result in the forfeiture of the fee.
Rescheduling of exams is subject to library availability and approval, and is subject to the $20 fee.
The library accepts no responsibility for any charges involved in proctoring (e.g. photocopies and/or mailing).  These are the responsibility of the applicant and must be paid at the time of use.
The library will not monitor one-on-one but will provide a space acceptable to the applicant, the educational or professional institution and the Library.
The Library will ensure the required passwords and documentation is correct.
The Library will check that the correct designated individual is writing the exam.
No prohibited material is to be brought into the exam area.  Materials and personal items will be stored during the exam.  The Library accepts no responsibility for stored items or for the writer with regards to misconduct​ while writing the exam.
The Library Board and/or the CEO reserve the right to amend and/or suspend any of the above conditions.
For more information or to schedule an exam, please contact Judith Bouman, Head of Adult Services at 705-474-4830x2819 or