More than books!

a GPS unit Equipment Rental


​Click here to go to the Catalogue​​.

Accessing your account

You can login to your account to see what items you have checked out, when they are due and renew them if you need.

Forgot your password?  Can't access your account?

If this is your first time accessing your account, try the last four digits of your phone number (the Evergreen default).  If you still are unable to log in, send us an email or give us a call.

Checked Out Items and Hold Items History List

You can now tell Evergreen you want it to keep track of the items you have borrowed or placed on hold.  When you are in your account, click on the Account Preferences tab, and then go to the Search and History Preferences tab; put a check in the boxes beside "Keep history of checked out it​ems?" and "Keep history of holds?" and then click on the "Save" button at the bottom.

Creating a list

Lists are a way of keeping track of things you might want to borrow at some point, or want to remember for later.  Your lists can be created and accessed from your account, and can be shared or downloaded.  When searching the catalogue, click on "Add to my list" beside the title to put in an existing list or to make a new one.

How to Place a Hold 

Instructions on how to place a hold on material through your account available here.