NBPL's Seed Library - coming soon!

The North Bay Public Library is very excited to be planning a Seed Library! At this time, we are only looking for donations. We will make an announcement when the seed library officially launches.


What is a seed library?

A seed library is a special collection of seeds for growing food and flowers. These seeds help encourage food literacy, food security, and hopes to foster wellbeing through gardening.

Seed libraries encourage the return (or donation) of seeds so that the seed collection can continue to grow.


How can I donate?

Seed donations are accepted year round at the main circulation desk. Please hand your donations directly to a staff member.

When donating harvested seeds, please make sure that they are:

  • clean and dry
  • open-pollinated and heirloom varieties
  • removed from the surrounding plant material
  • clearly labelled with the collection year and seed variety

When donating purchased seeds, please include the original seed envelope if possible.

If you are donating flower seeds, please also note the flower colour.