Research & Reference

Looking for local history or genealogy research? The library can help!

For in-library use, we have the following resources:

  • The library’s Reference Collection which includes North Bay and area information
  • Back issues of the North Bay Nugget on microfilm dating back to 1909
  • accessible from the library’s public computers

For those who cannot visit the library in person, we also offer a Research Service. Research requests can be submitted to us by email ( or by phone (705-474-4830). The cost is $10 for date-specific requests and $25 for more in-depth research.

$10 requests are shorter requests where the date is known:

  • Obituary, death or funeral notice
  • Birth announcement
  • Wedding or engagement announcement
  • A specific article or photo known to be published in the Nugget on a specific date (or close approximate date)

$25 in-depth research requests include:

  • Searches on specific topics, people or events (local to North Bay and surrounding area)
  • Searches where there is a broader date range (spanning a few months or years)

OGS Nipissing Branch

The North Bay Public Library is pleased to host the Nipissing District Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, located on the lower level of the library.  There, you will find a wealth of material and resources to aid with local or family histories, including:

  • Instructional resources​
  • Church records
  • Vital statistics
  • Census records
  • Branch publications
  • Land registries

The hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 1pm-3:30pm.

For more information or if you require assistance with a genealogy search, please contact

The library also houses a collection of French genealogy material generously donated by the Jean Nicolet Society. 

OGS Nipissing Branch Header