The library is a great place for a field trip. The Children's Librarians can set this up for you.
Library staff is available for your school's Welcome to Kindergarten for all school boards. Please contact us to arrange.
The Children's Department offers a School Box service for teachers in the City of North Bay who are looking for materials on a specific subject matter.
To access the School Box service, call the Children's Department, give us the subject matter, grade and reading level and we'll put the box together for you.
There is a limit of 40 books allowed for one month with a two week grace period. Late fines will be charged as well as fines for lost/damaged books.
Holiday material and AV material cannot be included in a box, although you can take these out on your personal card.
Reorder a new box at least once a week before needed as it is on a first come first served basis.