More than books!

blurays on a shelf DVDs and Blu-rays

Loan Periods & Fines

To ensure that the Library has an adequate supply of materials for all patrons, the following loan periods, fines and charges and limits on number of items allowed out at one time apply to all holders of North Bay Public Library cards.

You are responsible for all the materials borrowed on your card and for any charges on items that are overdue, lost or damaged.
Library materials must be returned before closing time on the due date or placed in the bookdrop or video drop overnight. Once the library re-opens the day after an item is due, it becomes overdue.
Charges for lost or damaged materials that have been catalogued will include a handling and processing fee. To replace a library item, several hours of staff time plus processing materials must be used before it is ready to be loaned. This fee is used to help cover the cost of this process.
If an item is currently on loan, you may put a hold on it. There is no charge for placing a hold.
Most items can be renewed twice unless someone has reserved the item.
In the Children's Department there is a limit of ten (10) items on a child's card, and a limit of two (2) book per subject (non-fiction) on any card.
Note: A borrower who has 4 items overdue, fines over $50.00, owes more than $50.00 in lost or damaged material, or has 5 claims returned items will lose all borrowing privileges until the matter is cleared from his/her record.
​Item ​Loan Period ​Limit ​Renewals ​Daily Fine ​Maximum Fine
​Books ​21 days ​* ​2 ​30¢ $15.00​
​Paperbacks ​21 days ​* ​2 ​30¢ ​$10.00
​Magazines ​21 days ​20 ​0 ​10¢ ​$10.00​
GPS Units, Cameras 21 days 1 2 $5.00 No Max
Cake Pans 21 days * 2 30¢ $10.00
DVDs ​21 days ​5 ​2 ​$2.00 ​$20.00
​Music CDs ​21 days ​10 ​2 ​30¢ ​$15.00
​Video Games ​21 days ​2 ​2 ​$2.00 ​$20.00
​Talking Books (CD/MP3) ​21 days ​10 ​2 ​30¢ ​$15.00
Fines and charges listed are subject to change.

Renewing Material

Materials may be renewed in person, by phone, or online.

Watch the video below to learn how to renew items online: